Dr. Maria Montessori is the founder of the Montessori method of education. She started her first classroom “Casa dei Bambini” or Children’s House in 1907.
Montessori method of education stresses the importance of respecting children – “Help me to help myself”. Montessori education celebrated its 100th year in 2007.
Maria Montessori became the first woman doctor in Italy in 1896.
In the same year she represented the women of Italy in a feminist conference. She talked about the cause of working women. In similar seminar she talked about child labor. This was a sign of her deep connection to children, though unknown to her. After graduating, Dr. Maria Montessori worked in a psychiatric clinic for unfortunate children. It was observed that children after their meals would throw food on the floor and play with them. It was through Montessori’s compassion and intelligence that she sought a solution to help the children. She observed that these children had no toys to manipulate or use their hands on. It was then that she decided that there had to be more than medicine to be able to these children and she invented Montessori methodology.
The Montessori Method teaches students to think outside of the box through fun and engaging learning activities that reward critical thinking.
Students are encouraged to choose from a variety of learning materials to find out their unique method of learning.
Students from different age groups come together to solve problems and work through complicated activities.
When give the opportunity to learn on their own,students are given an extra incentive to achieve their goals by themselves.
Montessori Method helps the child to help himself.
Want to get more information about Rootz and Wingz Montessori or would like to see the campus, feel free to schedule a tour. Come visit us today!