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Rootz And Wingz Montessori house of Children

“Early childhood education is the key to the betterment of society” Maria Montessori

The curriculum at Rootz And Wingz is designed in such a way that the children learn through observation, self help, Montessori teaching aids, Montessori trained adults, mixed group working area where the older children spontaneously share knowledge with the younger ones and physical activities. This curriculum is unique and progressive. For most subjects, the focus is on concrete and experiential learning.

Montessori Program (2yrs to 6yrs of age)

The joy of learning is evident to all parents; there is always jubilation over a child's first spoken word. The Montessori classroom emphasizes spoken language as the foundation for all linguistic expression. Throughout the entire Montessori environment the child hears and uses precise vocabulary for all the activities. The child is encouraged to converse with peers and staff. Montessori being a unique child friendly approach of teaching is categorized under five main areas

Exercises of Practical Life
Sensorial Activities

Montessori environment understands that children can obtain limitless amounts of knowledge during their formative years. It is especially important to develop a child’s senses between birth and age 6. This is why we emphasize helping children in understanding the world around them by using sensory materials in our classrooms. These sensorial activities help develop important lifelong skills such as logic, awareness, and perception.

Language Activities

With the sandpaper letters the teacher will introduce the phonetic sounds to the child. In the Montessori approach, the phonetic sounds of the letters are taught before the child is introduced to the names of the letters. The teaching of the sounds and letters is through a multi-sensory approach. The child will hear the sound, see its representation in the form of a letter, and feel the way it is written as the child feels the letter with his fingers. it is very important that the child trace properly formed letters. This will help him develop a good pattern for handwriting. Therefore, a basic form of the cursive letter is used. Our language activities helps the child to become conscious o his spoken language and in expressing their thoughts.

Arithmetic Activities

Math is all around the young child from day one. Number itself cannot be defined and understand of number grows from experience with real objects but eventually they become abstract ideas. It is one of the most abstract concepts that the human mind has encountered. The mathematical materials gives the child his own mathematical experience and to arrive at individual work. There are some teacher directed activities but these are followed with activities for the individual. Some work begins with small group lessons; these too will be toward independent, individual work. The Exercises in arithmetic are grouped. There is some sequential work and some parallel work. The first group is Numbers through Ten. The experiences in this group are sequential. When the child has a full understanding of numbers through ten, the second group, The Decimal System is introduced. Different materials are introduced then for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. As the child matures, abstract learning begins to take place.

Cultural/ General Knowledge

This area includes fascinating and enjoyable topics such as global awareness, geography, science, botany, music and art. Indoor as well as outdoor activities are included. Yearly field trips are conducted on different topics from the nearest vegetable market to nature walks. Monthly theme based activities are conducted varying from colours, numbers to religious and national festivals.


As toddlers develop friendship, self-esteem, and curiosity, our pre-Montessori program will help your child to explore their world in a safe and nurturing environment. Each day is filled with fun activities that excite and help toddlers develop in ways that gives them the comfort and confidence to grow and develop in all aspects of their personality.


Our Montessori environment is designed to promote the joy of learning by focusing on experimental learning where children take part in activities rather than just listening to the teacher. Our environment encourages children to learn by doing and discover different activities at their own pace by themselves with proper guidance and support. On completion of Montessori education, children are eligible for admission to Standard 1.

Day Care and After School Care

We provide friendly environment for all the kids enrolled for our Day care and after School care program, where they relax, enjoy, play and learn. We are committed to provide tender and loving care to your children to ensure this is a home away from their home. Our environment comprises of warm, caring and trained personnel who love being with children and understands their emotions and developmental needs.

Summer Camp

School is out and holidays begin!! Summer time is best to encourage your child to find his/her creative and imaginative side. We provide age group based activities for the month of April and May every year. A fun filled learning experience.

Hobby Activity

Weekend classes for Drawing, painting and Abacus is provided by experienced and trained teachers for all age group children.

“Early childhood education is the key to the betterment of society” Maria Montessori

Learning at Rootz And Wingz is so different compared to the conventional form of education we have today, is that the teacher does not stand in front of the class and teach each child the same lesson all at once. Each child is allowed to learn at his own rhythm in a way where he feels as though he is in fact not learning or being taught. 

“If education is always to be conceived along the same antiquated lines of a mere transmission of knowledge, there is little to be hoped from it in the bettering of man's future. For what is the use of transmitting knowledge if the individual's total development lags behind?” Maria Montessori