Apart from regular Parent teacher meetings, We will interact regularly with parents regarding the child progress as we believe parents and teachers have to go hand in hand for healthy growth of the child.
Apart from regular Parent teacher meetings, We will interact regularly with parents regarding the child progress as we believe parents and teachers have to go hand in hand for healthy growth of the child.
-> Built in 4500 square feet area.
-> 1500 square feet out door play area with abundant play equipment.
-> Round the clock CCTV Camera surveillance in the school.
10:1 for Toddlers 12:1 for Montessori
Rootz and Wingz brings best out of the child with Montessori methodology and constant observation of the child.We give equal importance on extra-curricular development.
We focus on Personality and social skills development of the child.
We develop the child with healthy body and mind. Yoga and Meditation are integral part of our curriculum.
Own transport service with experienced driver and GPRS tracking